Friday, June 19, 2009

New Way to Help Iran...NOW! **URGENT, PLEASE SHARE ASAP**

The following is a wonderful method to help Iran and anyone can do it...Please, it may seem pointless to you, but if enough people do it, then the message will just get louder and louder...

To justify their unlawful actions, Iran's government is attempting to claim that the people protesting on the streets are against Islam, BUT this is not true!!

Most of the people on the streets are Muslim AND proud.

The REAL issue here is Islam vs. Islamic Republic.

Iran's government operates in the name of Islam...but Islam as followed through the holy Qu'ran would NEVER praise previous and most recent actions of the Iranian government...

This is how YOU can help:

If you are familiar with the Qu'ran or know some verses in it that promote peace and/or contradict the unlawful actions of the Islamic regime(proper Google searches from trusted sites work too), please cite them on your Facebook and Twitter profiles, albums, Blogs, websites, etc.

The next step?

SPREAD THE WORD. Tell your friends to do the same!!

BUT, you need to spread the word in order for this to work. It takes only moments. PLEASE, if you care for democracy, if your heart goes out to the Iranian people, if you believe in justice, PLEASE do this.

Let's find all the quotes that promote peace and condemn the actions of the government of Iran!!!

You may not know it, but you can make a DIFFERENCE.


Mina Be


  1. A digital Quran for Windows, Mac, and Linux:

  2. I don't know any Quran verses, but my heart and soul are with you! An American in Columbus, Ohio. I truly hope you win!

  3. If you want to help, you CAN.

    Download this:

    OR, all you have to do is send everyone you know the address to this BLOG and let them decide to get involved.


  4. researching and posting and tweeting. Our hearts are with our freedom loving brothers and sisters! peace, friend!

  5. "But those who were unjust changed the word which had been spoken to them for another saying..." 2:59

  6. Great! Keep them coming!! Tell your friends.

    Paste them in your feeds!

  7. "...and a party from among them indeed used to hear the word of God, then altered it after they had understood it, and they know [this]." 2:75

  8. "We made a covenant with you, that you shall not shed your blood, nor shall you evict each other from your homes. You agreed and bore witness. Yet, it is you who are killing each other, and evicting some of you from their homes, banding against them sinfully and maliciously. Even when they surrendered, you demanded ransom from them. Evicting them was prohibited for you in the first place. Do you believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in part?... GOD is never unaware of anything you do."2:84

  9. Good idea! Here's one I posted:
    "Enter not houses other than your own, until you have asked permission and greeted with peace those in them..." Quran 24:27

  10. This one's awesome!!! Keep them coming!!

    We're creating a website soon with all these quotes and contradictory pictures to accompany!!

    Spread the word about our blog, we have to "SPREAD THE WORD!!"

  11. Quran 16:105

    Only those who do not believe in Allah's sign attribute lies and fabrications, and they are themselves liars.

    (basically means Khamenei is an Infidel?)
